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Seascape Design Builders practice RECYCLE MANAGEMENT on all of our construction sites, from Commercial projects to houses, renovations and extensions.  Our aim is to minimise waste throughout construction be it a small or large project.

Varying 3 to 5 cage bins to separate all site waste including Concrete, bricks, pavers & tiles for hard rubbish to steel, timber, recyclable & general waste bins.

Hard rubbish is collected throughout the entire project and then re- used at the end in drainage, soak wells and garden beds or road base.

Scrap steel is also collected and can be sold or dropped off at the local tip recycle depot.  Aluminium, copper & lead all return good dollars.

All timber is stored in one area or in a cage to be used throughout the construction and at the final clean up, we aim to get a community groups to come pick up any leftover timber to up cycle its use again and again into the future.  We usually only have one wheel barrow of small timber off cuts on most job sites.

Recyclable materials can be any old materials from the existing house that you can re-use in the new project.  Off cuts of gyprock can be used in the walls or ceilings as extra insulation or sound proofing.  Off cuts of timber decking can be used to make a gate or a screen.  It is about trying to re-use as many possible waste materials back into the building endeavouring to create a zero carbon neutral home for healthy sustainable living.

Another cage for cardboard & packaging for dropping of at the local recycling depot. Pallets are stored and returned to suppliers or up cycled into innovative ideas.

We generally have one skip bin for the general waste per job that goes to land fill however by having a WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN on all our sites, we limit our land fill waste by 50 -70 % on all of our construction sites.   

Australian Building Industry contributes up to 45% of the country’s total waste, not a good statistic.  The government are increasing tip fees to encourage people minimise the dumping of such waste, however educating people on how to reduce waste is the optimum aim for a more sustainable future.


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